Your Best Levels Wiki

right... the boss battle...

Schermafbeelding 2015-06-26 om 13.07

I'm not that proud.. i could have done better..

but it's for the FIRST time i'm making a boss battle anyway.

you know? I think it's really fun to make a boss battle!

alright, and in case you were thinking those are rocks falling from the ceiling.. NOPE they're gohma larva eggs. aaaand they're really f&cking deadly..

Gohma will have 4 hp points. not too hard.

You will have to stun gohma with a deku nut before you can attack her.

her eye will be green, that means she's stunned. simply stand in front of her eye to attack her and make her loose 1 HP.

-Did you notice the words SHE and HER? well FUN FACT. gohma is a female o.O she is the paristic armored anarchid queen-


about the art limit panic.. it's not much to worry about.

I only have to make the deku tree less detailed.. and.. first i wanted to remake the WHOLE deku tree.. so no.. i'm disposing some rooms.

the deku tree is really easy now, so i will make the boss battle some more challenging >:)

I have around 3000 art left.. but I don't know how much with gohma included.. (the boss battle was made in another level..)

I still want some more anemies in this. If you can make deku baba's or deku scrubs as a hazard, then you could be very helpful!

Also, if you can make the blonde kokiri girl, (wanna use it for a secret.) then it would save me time..

IF i have enough art shapes, I will make the inside of the kokiri shop, with the owner inside.

Gohma larva's are useful too.

You will get a credit for anything you help with.

I don't know if there is enough space in the blackhole.. and... I'm advertising my Youtube channel (Tayrone11 HW) and instagram (dunstepman4evr_030) .. do you guys think i should advertise the wiki too?
